A Feast for the Maggots – Sickening

A Madisonville man is being charged with involuntary manslaughter after police found 65 year old Darrell White’s wife covered in maggots.  46 year old Jorene White suffered from arthritis and had been bed ridden for quite a bit of time.  When authorities showed up to the house after White called 911 police were shocked to see the corpse covered in maggots and flies. 

Initially it was thought that White had been dead and rotting for a week.  Julie Wilson with Hamilton County Prosecuter’s Office said “When the coroner’s office investigated it, their examination of the body, they said no she had probably been dead that day.”    

Later on the coroner said that Mrs. White had died a day earlier from sepsis. 

It seems maggots made home inside Mrs. White’s rotting bed sores.



Another Jesus Sighting!

Another image of Jesus has been spotted, this time on a telephone pole. 

A man by the name of Rickey Navarre said on television station KPLC: “He might just be telling us something, you know, ‘I’m looking over you, I’m going to answer your prayers.’”   However local officials did not feel the same and deemed that the vines were too close to high voltage wires on the telephone pole, in other words, it is a safety hazard.  Officials ordered the vines be taken care of immediately before religious extremists come looking for a mystical experience.  The biggest fear would be that someone would climb the pole in order to get closer to Jesus.

Chupacabra Against the 300!

The infamous goat sucker strikes back, this time in Puebla located in Mexico.  It seems over the past couple months over 300 goats have been found decapitated.  Reports say hardly any blood is found at the vicious scenes leaving shepherds suspicious that the chupacabra may be the culprit.

My guess is 1 of the 2

  1. Psychopathic Shepherds that are killing their own and other shepherds live stock.
  2.  Some type of animal perhaps a coyote, wolf or maybe a hybrid of some sort.

No Not Brains, Cauliflower – Berlin Cannibal Restaurant a Hoax

A couple weeks back I wrote an article about a restaurant in Berlin that wanted to serve donated human body parts as a delicacy. The restaurant Flime turned out to be flimflam.  This hoax was perpetuated by a German vegetarian organization. 

During the press release last Thursday officials from this organization said it was actually a stunt to promote eating cauliflower, not human calves.  In fact the main point of the stunt was that eating animals should be just as stomach turning as consuming human flesh.

Although the group is happy with how the gag ended, lots of people are still very upset.  Even an official from a Brazilian town called Guajara-Mirim said he wants to sue the creators of the Flime website.  The site falsely claimed another one of these restaurants were located in the Amazonian town.  The official said that this act dismembered the town’s tourisms friendly image.

This disgusting joke was thought up a year ago by an ad agency called Serviceplan and the vegetarian group participated.  The agency placed fake ads in German newspapers in which they asked people to donate their limbs.  They also started up a website where people could fill out a donor sheet where questions about the individual were asked and submitted.  They even set up a fake eBay auction for a plate of liver, which ended up being yanked for the site, but not before reaching $1,000.



Chupacabra and the Hendersons

Over in Jack County, Texas, Staysha Henderson was greeted by a lovely creature that was inside her camper.  The creature was very skinny, hairless and had grey skin.  Unfortunately for Henderson she is now undergoing a series of rabies shots after being attacked by this creature as she went to offer it a bowl of water.  Henderson’s family shot and killed the mysterious creature, they believe to be the infamous chupacabra or in some circles it is being called the Texas blue dog.

Supposedly tests are being done to find out exactly what this creature is.

I will keep you all updated when the results are in.



Bad Universe: Great Show

Bad Universe: Absolutely terrifyingly entertaining.  This is not your typical science show about the universe; it’s more like Mythbusters meets astronomy.  With awesome experiments and highly enjoyable information that will both scare the crap out of you and keep you glued to the television.  There are not many shows of this caliber on television right now; this will capture the attention of children and adults, another perfect show for kids to watch with their parents.  You can completely feel the passion host Dr. Phil Plait has for astronomy and that is what makes this show Philnomenal!  Thank you Phil, you made it cool to want to be an astronaut again.

And I just want to add one more thing, if Discovery gave Ghost Lab a full series, they better give Bad Universe a shot at a full series, if not I will be insulted.

I’ll Have a Side of Farver Beans and a Nice Chianti Please

There are talks of a restaurant called Flime opening in Berlin.  It has been getting much attention in German media because the restaurant has started a campaign to find donors.  The donors are not being asked for money or any type of investments into the company, instead they are being asked to donate body parts.  Supposedly ears, testicles and stomach fat are being asked for, so they may be turned into high class gourmet meals.  According to this soon-to-open restaurant they will follow old cooking habits of age old cannibalistic tribe of the Amazon.   

In Flime’s campaign, through German media they are calling for donors to be involved in with what they call the new diners movement.  Flime is also calling for “open-minded surgeons” as well.   It is no surprise that this campaign has stirred up a bit of controversy.  Already groups of protesters are fighting for a ban of this restaurant, claiming that it is highly distasteful and disrespectful following a case of real cannibalism which occurred in Germany in 2001. 

The inspiration, Flime says, come from a ritual called “compassionate cannibalism” in which the indigenous Brazilian Waricaca tribe would eat pieces of loved ones to help with mourning on their passing.

Michael Braun, the vice-chairman of Berlin’s Christian Democrat party is trying very hard to get to the bottom of what he feels is a “stunt” or “warped joke.”  Sadly he has had no luck. 

Braun said “it’s disgusting, not least because it wasn’t long ago that we had the case of the Berliner who was murdered by a cannibal,” referring to Armin Meiwes , who was sentenced to life in prison for murdering and consuming Bernd Jürgen Brandes in 2001.

Experts believe that Germany alone has approximately 800 followers of the underground cannibal movement.

I am almost 100% positive Germany officials would step in to assure something this disturbing wouldn’t happen.  The dangers of consuming humans can possibly be extreme.  Just research the outbreak of kuru in the Fore tribe in Papua New Guinea, which came from something they called mortuary feasting.



I’ll Have a Wee Bit of Whisky

I read something today that make me sit back in my chair and actually say out loud “what the f***!” 

A British art student, James Gilpin, who is studying at the London Royal College of Art has a very interesting hobby, he makes whisky.  What’s so interesting about that?  You may know many people into home brewing (I do a bit myself), well Mr. Gilpin has a method of brewing that uses elderly diabetic, rich in sugar, urine.  That’s right folks, pee.

The project is called “Gilpin Family Whisky” and the main source of material is acquired from elderly volunteers, including James very own grandmother.  The urine is than purified in which the sugars are removed and added to the mash to speed up the fermentation process. 

Once this process is finished it will turn into a clear alcohol where whiskey blends are added to give it color.  Then the product is bottled and labeled with the donor’s name and date. 

Although this is actually a very clever way to produce whisky, Gilpin, claims he has not intentions on selling this product, it is more of an art form.




UFO Spotted on Google Earth?

So as I was doing a quick search for some woo news, I stumbled across this photo. 

This was part of a collection by Google called ‘the most mysterious sightings ever.’  The most mysterious sightings ever, are you serious?  This picture isn’t that puzzling at all, when I first glanced at it, I was looking for the UFO.  I had no idea they were talking about the top of a man made structure, most likely a water tower.

It seems people just label anything that is spherical or circular a UFO.  No sightings of this gargantuan craft were ever reported, not even by the person driving the red truck in the photograph.  My favorite thing about this photo is the lonely road which travels right up to “UFO.” 

I laugh because I wouldn’t have even written this article if I didn’t see so many comments that “this is proof alien space craft’s have visited earth.”  “This is proof of a UFO, because Google earth doesn’t photoshop images,” well I guess I partially agree with that last statement, Google earth didn’t photoshop the picture but it’s not proof of a UFO, it’s proof of manmade structures.   Sadly it is also proof that some people are so blinded by a belief that they will subscribe to any possible piece of “evidence” as hard fact.

“Ectoplasmic residue…It’s the real thing.”

I was sent a picture last night of what some people are claiming to be “ectoplasmic” mist surrounding a females head. 

If you notice in the photo, the individual is wearing a coat and the “ghost” like mist appears to be right by her head.  It doesn’t take much to realize, that this apparition in mid manifestation is actually the woman’s breath.

Being a skeptic and paranormal researcher there are certain things I can’t stand in the field of paranormal research; one of those things is the claim of ectoplasm.  Ectoplasm (from the Greek ektos which means “outside” and plasma which means “something formed”) which was previously called teleplasm, is a term that was coined by French physiologist and noble prize winner Charles Robert Richet. 

Charles Richet

Richet a man with a passion for science and medicine also had a high interest in psychical research; he even served as president of the Society of Psychical Research located in London in 1905.  Initially Richet was close minded and shrugged off claims of psychic phenomena.  But in his book, Thirty Years of Psychical Research, published in 1923 Richet wrote that he was shameful he was one of the many that was among the willfully blind. 

Richet studied the claims of an Italian peasant named Eusapia Palladino, who was producing some very weird phenomena.  This is when Richet coined the term ectoplasm, explaining that is was some type of jellylike protoplasm that emanates from the medium. 

It is important to note that many researchers of the time felt Palladino was nothing more than a charlatan.  But the typical mindset of a scientist, Richet felt he couldn’t be duped, and defend Palladino.  Richet wrote “Even if there were no other medium than Eusapia in the world, her manifestations would suffice to establish scientifically the reality of telekinesis and ectoplasmic forms.”   Sadly for Richet, this wouldn’t be the case, ectoplasm was never proven authentic, in fact just the opposite.

Lots of ectoplasm cases had been proven to be nothing more than fraud. People using items such as cheese cloth, gauze, chewed paper, egg whites, muslin and even pieces of meat from chicken or cows. 

The way lots of mediums produced this feat was the real work of art, hiding these objects anywhere within reach, even in their own vaginas or rectums.  Some mediums even swallowed these objects and regurgitated them during the séance when the lights were out.

But the thing I find so fascinating is the evolution of this phenomena, how it went from a solid form to a mist.  How it went from protruding out of the orifices of mediums, to a lingering fog floating around alleged haunted locations.

I don’t mean to sound rude but it’s absolutely embarrassing, almost eye rolling to look at some photos that people think is authentic ectoplasmic evidence.  Of course now days ectoplasm only exist in photographs.  Personally, I liked it more when it was cheese cloth. 

Me and ectoplasm